Employees with a disability have the right to request changes in working arrangements if they have been with the same employer for at least 12 months. Casual, part time or full time employees can make a request for flexible working arrangements under section 65 of the Fair Work Act 2009 (the Act).

Employers are required to give employees a written response to the request within 21 days, stating whether they approve or refuse the request. Employers may refuse the request only on reasonable business grounds, and the written response must include any reasons for a refusal.

Download the form template: Flexible Working Arrangements Form

Fair Work Commission is the place to look to find information on your workplace rights, disputes and what to do in the case of unfair dismissals.

Start the conversation with your employer with JobAccess’ Conversation Guide on workplace adjustments

JobAccess is also the go-to service for advice, support, and funding for workplace adjustments. Contact their team of allied health professionals on 1800 464 800 who offer confidential, holistic advice on workplace adjustments to employers and people with disability from the first point of contact.


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