Coming soon to the app…

Keeping track of your symptoms can be a helpful way to take charge of your health. By paying attention to things like shaking, stiffness, and slowness in your movements, you can spot any patterns or changes. This information is important for your healthcare team and can empower you to play an active role in planning your care.

There are handy tech tools like smartwatches and smartphone apps that can automatically keep tabs on your symptoms, including tremors, and even detect if you’ve had a fall. If you prefer a more traditional approach, you can also use paper worksheets and symptom diaries that you can download and print to create physical copies for you and your care team.


My Moves Matter

A digital self-care companion to empower people living with Parkinson’s to live better lives. E-Books on Menopause, Menstruation, Diet, and Cravings and App.

Parkinson’s ON

An App developed by a Parkie for Parkies, with funding from Parkinson’s UK, has reminders to take medication on time, track their symptoms and log their activities in a user-friendly design, offers a range of self-help content and has an interactive insights dashboard.

Parkinson Symptom Tracker

Parkinson’s symptoms vary between individuals & fluctuate throughout the day.  Over time, some symptoms improve, others get worse. The PRO-PD App converts your symptoms to a numerical, trackable, shareable score.