Great news! $0 Wills during Free Wills Week…  and even better news, through Parkinson’s Australia this BLACK FRIDAY offer goes until December 2.

We’re proud to support our first Free Wills Week, an initiative in partnership with SafeWill Australia. Two out of three Aussies do not have a will. During this special week, free will-writing services are offered to those who want to take this vital step but may have hesitated due to cost or uncertainty about the process.

Free Wills Week provides an excellent opportunity for Australians to get their affairs in order without any financial burden. It’s also a chance to learn more about the importance of having a will. Knowing that your loved ones will be taken care of according to your wishes can bring you peace of mind.

It’s FREE (for a limited time), and it only takes 20 minutes online!

Additionally, many people use this time to leave a gift in their will to Parkinson’s Australia and other charities close to their hearts. It’s a wonderful way to make a lasting impact and support our national advocacy, awareness raising, and other efforts to connect people living with Parkinson’s, their families and carers.
