Being in an intimate relationship is a real blessing, having constant love and not feeling alone in this. I am currently in an intimate relationship and I do feel differently about intimacy than before I was diagnosed. It is better.
I am not experiencing any physical barriers to a satisfying intimate relationship. I get tired but I’d say intimacy is better than ever. Previously I’d sometimes get cramps when intimate but exercise loosens me up. I am not experiencing any emotional barriers to a satisfying intimate relationship. Once I started intense exercise things got much better. I have undertaken any treatments that have impacted positively on my relationship. Exercise. I do 6 hours a week and I’m stronger, fitter than ever, flexible. Better balance and coordination. I feel more confident generally and lost weight, which helps too.

The factor impacting on my ability to have an intimate relationship is fatigue. The strategy I have found useful has been increasing exercise to improve mobility and stamina. I feel it would be useful for the App to provide free access to a Relationship Therapist for online advice specifically in relation to young onset Parkinson’s. I feel it might be something people are hesitant to talk about but maybe an awareness sheet would be a good idea so it’s less confronting.

I would like a Relationship Therapist to know about young onset Parkinson’s and I believe there was a talk on Insight with someone whose name escapes me. Something like this. Regarding questions we should be asking children, it’s hard to say. Is it for children or parents? My kids know but I don’t explain degeneration to them in detail. They don’t need to know everything. They’ll ask eventually.

I feel that people with young onset Parkinson’s Disease should be treated as potential advocates, included in leadership roles or employees of Parkinson’s organisations…who better to help than someone who understands. I’d like to attend nurse training as an audit but they don’t allow as I’m not a nurse. I don’t see a problem with educating myself the best way about Parkinson’s disease. I feel in depth Parkinson’s Disease education and fitness treats would be great but with peer to peer mentoring/or people with Parkinson’s leading the program alongside experts.


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