Being in an intimate relationship is very, very important to me, having the love and trust in place helps with the daily grind of Parkinson’s Disease. I am currently in an intimate relationship. I feel differently about intimacy than before I was diagnosed. Many of the non-visible symptoms put up barriers that are very challenging. Physical barriers to a satisfying intimate relationship that I am experiencing include cramp/pain in legs and arms. I am not experiencing any emotional barriers to a satisfying intimate relationship. On 22 tablets a day, no doubt the side effects have a negative impact. The factors impacting on my ability to have an intimate relationship include lack of sleep, stress, a feeling of being overwhelmed, the impact of changes in independence, rigidity, slowness of movement and difficulty with coordinating movement.
I have experienced a lack of sexual desire, changes in sexual function, difficulty with getting or keeping an erection, difficulty in reaching ejaculation and difficulty in reaching an orgasm. The strategies I have found useful or may be useful include focusing more on casual intimacy like kissing and touching, talking to my partner about my concerns and sex toys. I feel it would be useful for the App to provide free access to a Relationship Therapist for online advice specifically in relation to young onset Parkinson’s. I would like a Relationship Therapist to know about young onset Parkinson’s and all of Q10 (the list of possible strategies). Thanks for the opportunity.