Hundreds of stories have been collected from people living with young onset Parkinson’s to help share experiences from their perspectives. You can search by category buttons below or by topics on the list to the left.
If you are living with young onset and would like to share your story or find a category or topic missing, please contact us.
Browse stories
- anger
- anxiety & depression
- audio therapy
- avoid heavy meals
- avoid stimulants
- bed for sleep only
- bedtime routine
- blood pressure
- bullying
- casual intimacy
- constipation & bladder control
- coordination of movement
- cpap machine
- cramping
- daytime exercise
- daytime naps
- daytime sleepiness
- difficulty getting to work
- difficulty turning in bed
- disclosure
- discrimination
- employment concerns
- exercise for management
- fatigue & lack of sleep
- feeling overwhelmed
- financial concerns
- flexibility
- frequent awakening
- guilt
- handwriting
- hygiene
- hypertension
- insomnia
- keeping busy during day
- lack of emotional support
- lack of sexual desire
- lack of support
- legal concerns
- limit fluids
- listening to music
- loss of independence
- medication
- meditation
- melatonin
- muscle stiffness & rigidity
- natural light
- negative body image
- night time confusion
- night time hallucinations
- night time urination
- nightmares
- no exercise before bed
- no screen time
- pain
- panic attacks
- parenting concerns
- partner roles
- periodic leg movement disorder
- problem solving & memory issues
- reluctance to ask for help
- REM sleep behaviour
- restless leg syndrome
- retirement
- rigidity while in bed
- satin sheets & clothes
- self-esteem issues
- sexual aids
- sexual issues or dysfunction
- sitting for long periods
- sleep apnoea
- sleep disorder
- sleep patterns
- sleep talking & yelling
- slowness of movement
- speech & communication
- standing & walking
- stress
- talking to health professional
- technology
- toilet before bed
- tremors
- tremors while in bed
- unemployment
- white noise
- work from home
- workers rights
- workplace
- worry about the future